[Due](http://getap.ps/+390017969/!chartier), a universal and fast task manager for iPhone and iPad, as well as [the Mac](http://getap.ps/+m524373870/!chartier), makes it easy to use URLs with your tasks.
On iPhone or iPad, simply create a task and add a URL to its name, like “Register at name.com”. If you slide right across the task, one of the options in the sheet that appears (pictured) is to open that URL, which will take you to Safari. If you mark the task as complete, Due will also present the option to open the URL before it hides the task.

**Bonus**: One of my favorite Due features is that its reminders (if you choose to set one) can bug you every hour, or even every minute until you snooze the task in 10 or 60 minute intervals or *gasp* actually mark it as complete. It comes in handy if you’re the snoozer type. Which I totally am not. At all. Ever.

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