Path, a beautiful social network for iPhone and iPad supported by premium accounts and digital goods instead of ads, gives you some of the best of Camera+ and Instagram when shooting photos. It also makes it easy to add new friends when you meet them in real life.

You can tap the viewfinder to focus, just like the iOS’ built-in camera, but you can also tap the (+) button on the focus reticle to split it into two options—exposure and focus. You can drag them around independently to craft the perfect shot. Afterwards, you can pick from a bunch of good filters to enhance your photo or spend a buck or two to add some more filters and effects.

Also, if you meet someone in real life and want to add them on Path, the app has a clever option for making this process easier. From the Home tab swipe to the left to reveal your Chats, then tap Add More Friends. On that page are various sources (Twitter, Contacts, etc.), but tap the In Person option. This displays a QR code that the other person can scan with Path to instantly find you, as well as a camera option to scan their QR code. It saves you a lot of time typing usernames and search.

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