Answers to your questions about Ulysses 2.5 for iOS

When preparing my review of Ulysses 2.5 for MacStories, I asked my…

The case for newsreaders, but not in their current form

In a time of overwhelming noise and few new options to cut through it, I would argue newsreaders are more valuable than ever. But there is so much more they could do for both publishers and readers.

An unordered list of the most significant iOS features over the years

iOS has evolved in amazing ways over the years, and I want to look back at the major end-user features that made a big difference in the ways we work and play.

On touchscreen typing and advantages of the iPad Pro

I have long been a proponent of typing directly on the iPad, and now the Pro brings some even greater advantages.

How to use Photos for iOS & Mac editing extensions and revert to your originals

Photo extensions make it easier to edit your photos, but they also allow Photos for iOS and Mac to automatically keep a backup of your original image. How great is that?

Five months with the 2015 MacBook

I definitely recommend this machine. But more so than with other Macs, I think it’s very dependent on both your day-to-day and long tail needs.

"The more we forget the technology, the better.”

Smartphones Are Getting Outsmarted, and Apps Will Be the Next to Fall