CNET: Hot to access your Photo Stream without iPhoto on OS X

If you would rather not deal with iPhoto (or Aperture) to get…

OS X uses original Macintosh release date for file placeholders

When you create a new file or duplicate an existing file, OS…

Finder in Mountain Lion displays copy-paste progress next to file icons

When you move or copy a file in the Finder, Mountain Lion…

You can rearrange Finder sidebar categories in Mountain Lion

Just drag-and-drop to change their order. Finally. via Steven Frank

Display disk drives on the desktop, make them easier to eject

In Lion, Apple further simplified the Finder by hiding all disk drive…

There’s an easier way to save files with AirDrop

The two primary options you see for saving a file shared to…

Discover apps by opening files with Mac App Store

If you open a file with the App Store (from the Finder:…