In Notes for Mac and iOS, you can quickly view all the photos, links, documents, and other things you’ve attached to all your notes.
- iOS: When viewing your list of notes, tap the four-square button; the icon made of four squares
- Mac: Use ⌘-1, or View > Show Attachments Browser, or the four-square button in the toolbar

This view allows you to filter your attachments by six types, as of this writing: Photos & Videos, Sketches, Maps, Websites, Audio, and Documents.
You can use standard Mac features here, too. Double click any attachment to open it in a corresponding app (photos open in Preview, links in your default browser, etc.). You can also click and press Space to use Quick Preview for supported files.
If you want to view an attachment’s corresponding note:
- iOS: If you can preview an attachment in Notes, an ‘Open in Note’ button will appear at the top. Otherwise, tap-and-hold on it to get that option in a menu
- Mac: Right-click any attachment