📱 Camera+ 2 can swap between your Lightbox and Photos library

One of my favorite features of the brand new Camera+ 2 for iPhone and iPad (and its predecessor) is the Lightbox—an in-app space for storing and editing photos. I find it to be a great way to explore photography without cluttering up my Photos library of friends, family, and personal stuff.

In Camera+ 2, you can now flip a switch to work in your Lightbox or Photos library. You no longer have to import from Photos to Camera+ (though you still can if you want) just to add a filter to that family gathering. It’s a big timer saver.

By the way: I enjoy my iPhoneography and recently revived my Flickr account. It’s seeing a bit of a renaissance now that Verizon/Yahoo sold it to Shutterbug, which plans to revive it and keep it as a separate product.

This tip was originally published in my free newsletter. You should totally check it out and subscribe.

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